What Are The Early Symptoms of Asthma?

What Are The Early Symptoms of Asthma_

How does asthma develop? You need to know to prevent the disease and stop it in time. Read this article and find out more about the causes, types and early symptoms of the disease.

Causes and early symptoms of asthma

Asthma is a common name for signs of suffocation of various etiologies. The most common etiologies include:

  • bronchial form. Chronic disease of the upper respiratory tract, in which violations of the bronchi develop, from spasm to narrowing of the lumen;
  • heart shape. Attacks of severe shortness of breath, suffocation caused by diseases or pathologies of the heart.

Both forms are a consequence of various diseases and the factors that caused them. High-risk groups are as follows:

  • people whose parent has asthma. A genetic predisposition to asthma was discovered not so long ago but has already been proven;
  • people who work in production with a high level of harmful substances and dust in the air (miners, painters, workers of various warehouses, archives, factories). Small particles settle in the bronchi and lungs of such workers and, over time, can cause bronchial asthma;
  • residents of megacities and industrial areas. Adverse environmental factors, emissions of smoke and other industrial wastes into the air leave their imprint on people’s health and can cause asthma;
  • allergy sufferers and those suffering from autoimmune diseases. Since the disease also happens to be of allergic origin, people suffering from allergies with constant exposure to the allergen can expect asthma complications.

If you fall into one or more risk groups, you should not be upset. Strengthen the immune system and monitor your health, do not miss the early symptoms of the disease:

  • shortness of breath with asthma attacks that recur;
  • wheezing labored breathing;
  • wheezing and defective breaths;
  • pain and a feeling of stuffiness in the chest.
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If you notice one or more symptoms, especially if you are at risk, consult a doctor (general practitioner or pulmonologist) immediately.

Is it possible to cure asthma?

Is it possible to get rid of this disease? It all depends on its form, cause of development, age and state of patient’s health. The allergic form of the disease is most easily treatable, especially if an allergen is detected and its effect ceases. The outcome of the disease is favorable in young children and adolescents. With timely access to a specialist, such patients «outgrow» the disease. The most dangerous development of asthma is in the elderly and the elderly. But there are known cases of cure.

Carefully monitor your health and undergo a physical examination at least once a year. This will help prevent not only asthma but also many other diseases.