Tag: Facelift

Chin Up! Tighten Sagging Skin

Loosening of the skin below the chin is a common and problematic cosmetic condition. As you age, the muscles and the skin in the neck and lower face lose tone and elasticity, often creating hanging jowls under the chin. This can prematurely age your appearance, making you look much older and more tired. Don’t be intimidated by extensive surgery and long recovery times – today’s technology has streamlined facial procedures making the process quicker, less invasive, and will often have you back on your feet in just a few hours. Surgical options are more regionally focused, and there are now options that omit surgery entirely. Don’t waste any more time feeling anxious or self conscious about your sagging neckline. What Are My Options? Laser Skin Tightening : CO2 Laser The Lumenis Ultrapulse® Encore CO2 laser system is a state of the art laser that targets fine lines and discoloration and…